Friday, August 23, 2013

Photo Friday.....Andrew Wood

The photo for today
 is more like a scan....
but following in my purpose
I think it does tell a story....
I came across several of these pages for sale
several months ago on E-bay....
Handwritten lyrics by Andy Wood...
(here is a link to the page E-bay)

The description says the seller acquired them
from someone close to Andy.

I have to admit the first time I saw them it actually made me sad.
I know we live in a capitalist society and what you own is yours to do with...
Andy was only 24 when he passed
and this year marked the 23rd Anniversary of his departure.
It seems un-real.
Like it was only yesterday....
It is so cliche' but the older we get time passes so quickly.
How is it possible it has been over 20 years?
That being said - I guess it made me
sad because it still seems too soon for things like this
to be bought and sold in my mind.
I'd like to think whomever gave it to this person
hoped someone would really
cherish ,appreciate , and preserve it.
Hopefully that will be the case.

That being said
 it is neat to be able to view something like this.
To get a peek into the mind of
the Man of Golden Words..
during 1983.
All this being said I would like to encourage you
to go and watch the movie
by Scot Barbour
The film really gives much more insight
into Andys life and where he was coming from.
Much more than what was in PJ20.
Interviews with friends, family,
 and a lot more footage of Andy that you have probably never seen.

To close today instead of music
I wanted to share a video
with some behind the scenes footage...
It was taken during the "baby" photo shoot
for Mother Love Bone
I think it just gives a nice glimpse into
the boys and Andy when they were
not "performing"...
Andy is "working" yet funny and being himself...


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